Wednesday, December 13, 2006

How can our video biography workshops benefit you? Let us know!

November's "Create Your Own Video Biography" workshop was fun and informative for all! And now that the 2006 workshop season is a wrap, we'd like to hear how to make our 2007 workshops even more beneficial for you. Please take a moment to fill out our online workshop survey. It's an easy way to get your name on our waiting list - AND your answers will help Family Legacy Video design a workshop experience that will help you.

Click here to fill out the survey.

Capture family memories on video during the holidays

An interview with my mom - it's been something I've been wanting to do for a long time. And this year I finally did it. Mom came out from New Jersey to celebrate two November milestone birthdays (I turned 50 and she reached 70) as well as Thanksgiving, which was sandwiched in between. We had a great visit, and on the day after we celebrated her birthday, we sat down for an interview that celebrated her life.

I'm so glad I took advantage of her holiday visit to preserve my mother's stories on video. And this holiday season I urge you to do the same. A holiday visit can afford you the time you need to interview family members you may not see during the rest of the year. If you have a relative whose memories you'd like to record, give them a call and arrange an interview while he or she is in your neck of the woods.

Here's another idea: We all have lots of memories centered around the holidays. Think about grabbing short interviews with as many family members as possible - interviews that focus solely on their remembrances of past Christmas, Hanukkah, Solstice, Kwanzaa and/or New Year's celebrations. Then use these interviews to create a "family holiday memories" DVD that you and your family will treasure.
Whatever holiday you're celebrating this month, have a wonderful time - and don't forget to capture some of your family storytellers on video!

Sunday, October 29, 2006

Of weddings, keepsakes and video biographies

They're white satin bags, fringed with lace and dotted with pearl-like beads. They're bridal bags, designed to hold the cards given to a bride on her wedding day. Even though they've been emptied of the cards, cash and checks that once filled them, the bags are still filled with the love of their maker and are cherished by the brides who own them.

My wife and I hopped a flight from Arizona to the New Jersey in April to attend the wedding of my youngest female cousin. The service was beautiful and the reception was a blast. Throughout the day's celebration, I couldn't help thinking of my grandmother. Gram died suddenly in 1998. Before her death she was a fixture at every family event and was always the life of every party. It's a shame she wasn't around to attend the wedding of her youngest granddaughter. But, when I saw the bride's aunt holding the satin bag, brimming with cards, I knew that Gram was certainly there in spirit.

You see, Gram made it a point to sew a satin bridal bag for each and every new bride in our family. It didn't matter whether the young lady was related by blood, or was soon to be related by marriage. Gram didn't discriminate. Gram also planned ahead. Realizing she might not live long enough to attend the weddings of her two youngest granddaughters, she made their bags far in advance and gave them to her daughter (her granddaughters' mom) for safe keeping. And now, years after Grams death, each granddaughter in turn has spent her wedding reception with one of her grandmother's custom made bags dangling from her wrist.

So what's this got to do with video biographies? Quite simply, your video biography, like one of those satin bags, is sure to become a treasured family keepsake. Think of it as physical expression of your love, filled with your memories, stories and values; a wonderful legacy that will valued for generations.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Join the November Video Bio Workshop

"Create Your Own Video Biography" workshops from Family Legacy Video offer three jam-packed days filled with inspiration, learning and fun - and leave you with the tools you need to preserve your own precious family stories on video. Our next workshop takes place in Tucson, Arizona this November.

The Tucson workshop runs from November 10 to 12 (Friday to Sunday). The venue is the meeting room at the Arizona Small Business Association, in the Crossroads Festival Shopping Center, 4811 East Grant Road (the corner of Grant and Swan), in Tucson.
The early bird deadline for the Tucson workshop: October 3.

"Create Your Own Video Biography" workshops from Family Legacy Video offer three jam-packed days filled with inspiration, learning and fun - and leave you with the tools you need to preserve your own precious family stories on video.

SO if you're itching to tackle your own do-it-yourself video biography project -

BUT you lack the skills and experience you need to move forward -

THIS IS YOUR CHANCE to learn professional video production tips and techniques.

Complete details (along with testimonials from past workshop participants) are on the workshop page of the Family Legacy Video Web site.

Is stock footage beyond your reach? Maybe not.

Stock historical footage. We've all seen it used in the movies and on TV. Thanks to early documentary film makers and newsreel cameramen, long ago events, from the major to the mundane, still live on in grainy, black and white moving images. Most of those clips are owned by stock footage libraries. These companies license the rights to various clips to video and film producers - and the rights can be very expensive. We're talking hundreds and thousands of dollars for a few seconds to a few minutes of video, way more than most family video biographers can afford. But what if you really want to include some historical clips in your family video, both to bring a particular era to life and to give your video that History Channel look? Do you have any low cost options? Actually, you do.

Some of our taxes do go to support worthy government institutions, and one of them is the Library of Congress. In addition to print materials, the Library of Congress houses some great early film collections in its American Memory Collection. Some of the films are in the public domain, which means you don't have to pay to use them (however you may be required to credit the Library of Congress on screen). You have the option of downloading clips or of having them copied to tape and shipped to you. If the clips you want are public domain, all you have to pay for is shipping and duplication. I recently purchased a copy of some early Ellis Island footage (stills from the footage are at left and at the top of the newsletter). I was very happy with the service and the quality of the copy. Several video formats are offered, but most home video biographers will need to opt for VHS.

Another option is an online resource called the Internet Archive. The site contains a variety of films and videos available for download. Some of the material is free to use in your video and some of it isn't. Downloads can take a while and, once you have the clip, you'll most probably need to convert it to a file your editing software will accept. I used Blaze Media Pro to convert some clips to avi files. The software worked just fine.

So, take heart. With a little online detective work, you may be able to find some free and low cost stock footage to add some pizzazz to your next video biography.

Saturday, July 15, 2006

Historical details add depth to personal histories

You've decided to create a video biography chronicling your life, or the life of one of your family members. That's great! You're sure to capture lots of great personal stories. But as you go about planning your interview, don't forget to include some questions that put your subject's personal history in the context of national and/or world history.

We all know how quickly times change. Asking your subject to reminisce about what things were like on the home front during World War II, for example, or during other times of nationwide joy or catastrophe can provide details that evoke a sense of time and place and add depth and texture to the story.

Here's an example. I recently received a wonderful e-mail from a new Family Legacy Video customer in England. She lives in Eastbourne, on England's south coast. She has a love for personal and oral history and is a budding video biographer. I thought you'd enjoy some of what she had to say:

"Being right on the south coast, you can imagine how many Battle of Britain stories people have. All the hotels along the seafront were billeted to Canadian and American soldiers. Eastbourne was a major target for German planes during WW II, and was the second most bombed town on the south coast. I'll finish with a 'little history' from the last interview I transcribed:

Anyhow, we heard these aircraft and then one or two came over the woods, so low that you could actually see the Germans in their cock pits, only a matter of a few hundred feet. I suppose they were flying low to escape the RAF, and they'd obviously been on an attack, probably on London, and they came back and they still had their bombs onboard. And having seen them pass so low over the farm, we then ran round the back. We watched them heading off toward the English Channel and then they dropped their bombs-trying to hit the railway just between Stone Cross and Westham. We saw the plumes of earth going up from these bombs. The other thing about aircraft noise was; the house or the farm opposite the Hall was called Montague, and they had some evacuated horses, dray horses from London, grazing on the field there. And the extraordinary thing about these horses that had experienced the Blitz in London was; if they heard the German aircraft they would rush round the field in great panic but an RAF aircraft didn't stir them, they didn't react the same way and they were quite content to graze. They obviously associated the German aircraft noises with the noise and threat of bombs.

I love the 'little' history about the dray horses, how many people would know that unless the lived on the farm next door?"

What a great picture that story paints - and who would've thought horses could tell the difference between German and British airplane engines! These are the kinds of details that really help evoke a sense of time and place and that you should strive to bring out during your next video biography interview.

Join our September video biography workshop!

"Create Your Own Video Biography" workshops from Family Legacy Video offer three jam-packed days filled with inspiration, learning and fun - and leave you with the tools you need to preserve your own precious family stories on video. Our next workshop takes place this September - and you're invited!

The workshop will run from September 8 to 10 (Friday to Sunday). And this time we're holding the event in an actual television production facility - Skyline Productions, 65 S. Sycamore in Mesa, Arizona. For those of you outside of the area, there are nearby hotels and motels. And September in Arizona is a good time to get off-season hotel rates.

SO if you're itching to tackle your own do-it-yourself video biography project -
BUT you lack the skills and experience you need to move forward -
THIS IS YOUR CHANCE to learn professional video production tips and techniques.

Reserve your spot for the September workshop now. Early bird rates apply until August 4. Complete details (along with testimonials from past workshop participants) are on the workshop page of the Family Legacy Video Web site.

Sunday, June 18, 2006

Why create a video biography? Some reasons for reluctant relatives.

It's too much work. I don't look good on camera. I don't have much to say. I already have lots of photo albums - why should I make a video?

If you've tried to convince a reticent parent or grandparent to sit for a video biography interview, you've probably heard excuses like these. Than again, maybe you're the parent or grandparent offering up the excuses. So why is a video biography an invaluable addition to any family history effort? And how can you overcome resistance to such a project, either from other family members or yourself? Here are some answers to those excuses.

It's too much work. No doubt about it - a video biography requires organization, planning, passion and some technical savvy. But that doesn't mean the project needs to be overwhelming. If your family is creating the video, the key to success is breaking the process down into steps, like those outlined in the Family Legacy Video Producer's Guide. If you're hiring a video biography company to produce the video for you, make sure you find a company that will clearly explain and usher you and your family through each stage of the production - and let you know what role you need to play and what elements you need to provide.

If you're the one pushing for the video, offer your subject lots of support. Tell him or her you'll help sort and organize photos, films and memorabilia. Schedule regular visits or phone calls in order to delve into family history and life stories. Tell him/her that you'll keep all the notes and write the questions; all he/she will have to do is sit down in front of a camera and talk to you. Offer any and all help needed to relieve your subject's burden (or perceived burden).

I don't look good on camera. Let's face it: A lot of people just don't like cameras. But a lot of people do like television. And this is a chance to tell his/her life story on TV. It'll be fun, it'll be exciting, it'll be a chance to see how television programs are made. And, for your subject, it'll be easy. Offer to videotape in your subject's home, or in another location in which he/she is comfortable. Let your subject know that he/she is a revered family figure and you're creating this video for posterity. Of course you'll use professional lighting and sound techniques to make him/her look and sound great.

I don't have much to say. Well, we know this isn't true. Your parents, grandparents (or you, if you're the subject) have lived very full and interesting lives. Let your subjects know how important their stories and recollections are to you and how much they'll be treasured by future generations. If they're worried about freezing up during the interview, reassure them that you'll be there with them and that the experience will be less of an interview than a conversation between the two of you, or between your subject and a caring and interested professional interviewer. In short, they'll be in a very safe environment, surrounded by people who care what they have to say and will do their best to make them comfortable saying it. In the end, your parents or grandparents (or you) will probably be surprised at how much they did have to say.

I already have lots of photo albums - why should I make a video? Photo albums, especially those packed with vintage family photos, are wonderful keepsakes and family history resources. But, photos don't talk. And to enjoy the photos you need to have the album in your hands. Video biographies lend new life to old photos. Combine them with your parents' and grandparents' recollections, add some music and movement, and those vintage photos are given a dramatic new lease on life. And its easy to distribute multiple copies of your video biography on DVD, giving your photos a much greater family audience than they would otherwise have.

Properly produced video biographies can emotionally engage an audience like no other medium, and allow family members for generations to come to share the experience of watching and listening to Mom and Dad, Grandma and Grandpa, or you relate precious life stories. If your subjects have already written personal histories in book form, a video biography makes a valuable companion piece.

Finally, video biographies, and the process of making them, are just plain FUN. Isn't that reason enough?

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Video biography workshops are coming!

Family Legacy Video's mission is helping folks just like you preserve your stories and family history on video. While you can certainly hire Family Legacy Video to create your video biography, you may be a do-it-yourselfer who'd like to learn how to produce the video yourself. Well, you're in luck. Family Legacy Video is holding two "Create Your Own Video Biography" workshops in the coming months - in Tucson, Arizona - that will teach you hands-on, professional video production tips and techniques!

From May 19-21, and again from August 11-13, a three-day workshop entitled “Create Your Own Video Biography” ushers you through the process of creating your own family history video projects. You'll learn how to draft questions, light, shoot and conduct interviews and edit a video.

Family Legacy Video president Steve Pender will host the workshop. Pender is an award-winning scriptwriter, video editor, director and producer with over 27 years of experience. He is the author of the Family Legacy Video™ Producer’s Guide. Family Legacy Video has been featured in print, TV and on radio. The workshop also features presentations by the award-winning production team of Dan Crapsi and Ginny Temple.

An early bird registration discount is available through April 15 for the May workshop. Final registration deadline is May 10. Complete workshop details are available on the workshop page of the Family Legacy Video Web site, or by calling 520.743.4090 (local) or 888.662.1294 (toll-free).

Don't wait! Register now.

Sunday, March 12, 2006

Another opening, another show...

Imagine you're in a theatre, waiting to see the latest hit musical. The house lights dim. Audience chatter ceases. Then, from the orchestra pit, comes the first notes of the overture. During the next few minutes you enjoy a sampling of the musical delights to come. Your excitement builds, your anticipation grows, and, by the time the curtain rises, you're totally focused on the show.

Think of the opening of your family history video as the overture to your program. An effective opening can create a mood, establish a visual style and set the stage for your entire program. Do the job well and you'll rivet your audience's attention to the television screen.

You can have a lot of fun creating your opening. Look at it as an opportunity to let your creativity soar. An opening gives you the opportunity to pull together various elements from throughout your video and combine them in interesting ways. It also gives you the chance to use visuals or interview segments that might not fit in the body of the video.

Here's what I mean. At one point during an interview with my grandmother, I asked her if she ever thought she'd be the head of such a large family. She paused, then asked me if I knew how many family members we had. "No," I answered. She then looked off into space and quietly said, "We have a lot." It was an amusing exchange and offered a wonderful glimpse into Gram's personality - but it just didn't fit anywhere in the main part of the program. So, I put it right up front. The show opens with that brief exchange. Then my grandmother's image freezes, music begins, and we see a series of stills from throughout her life that culminate in the show's title. Music ends, we fade to black, and then fade up on the first segment.

Opening sequences can be simple or complex. The route you take depends on your creativity, editing expertise, available visual and audio resources and, of course, the time you have to devote to it. Here are some (but certainly not all) of the elements you can use:

Music. A great way to establish mood. Try starting your music (just a few notes is usually fine) before showing the first visual. It's a great way to alert your audience that the show (or segment) is beginning.

Text. A quote from a diary or letter can be an effective way to set the stage for what is to come. You can also create a short preamble that sets up your story, a technique George Lucas used in his Star Wars movies.

Interviews. A short "sound bite" from an interview (as described above) can be used to good effect.

Photos. A brief photo montage set to music can clue the audience in to the people and places the program will feature.

Animation. If you are advanced enough using your editing software and a program like Photoshop, you can "cut out" people and elements from photos and move them in and out of frame while layering them against an interesting background like a map, a slow pan of the old family homestead or a series of shots of the subject's country of origin.

Start thinking about your "opening overture" now. It's the key to a truly successful video. Not only will you have a great time creating it, but I'm sure you'll earn "boffo" reviews from your audience.

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Think visually when planning your family video

Most humans are visual thinkers. Our thoughts are composed of imagery and pictures. And the right combination of images and sound coming from a TV or movie screen can inspire a wide range of emotions that leave indelible memories behind.

In addition to emotional impact, photos, family films and other memorabilia like newspaper clippings, trophies and medals lend your documentary what video pros call "production value." In short, interesting and well-placed visuals make your video more fun to watch. And you DO want your family to watch. This is just as true for your family history video as for any Hollywood film. That's why, after a Family Legacy Video client lets me know what he or she wants to talk about during an interview, I always ask what visuals are available.

It's certainly great to have that interview with grandma and to be able to watch her tell stories about growing up on the family farm. Couple those stories with photos of her riding the old tractor or milking Bessie, mix in music that evokes the country life, and you add visual and emotional components that serve her story and make it even more memorable.

As you plan your interview, make a list of all the visuals you'd like to have in the video. Ask your interview subject what he or she can provide. Reach out to any other family members who may have resources. Collect those visuals and keep them safe. Don't have anyone mail you one-of-a-kind photos. Have copies made for mailing or, if possible, go to where the photos are and videotape them there.

After the interview is over, you're likely to find there are additional visuals you'd like. Remember to be as creative as possible and not to let a lack of family photos get you down. If you don't have a picture of the farm, ask the tourist board for the state where your grandma's farm was located to send you a picture of the countryside. Or find a vintage map showing the farm location, or a modern map that you can shoot and turn black and white or sepia using your editing software. Then, as the music plays, you can pan across the photo or map to set up the story about life on the farm. The possibilities are endless - and fun.

SEE what I mean?

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Telling Family Stories Benefits Children

Telling and preserving family stories is fun and fulfilling. But you may be surprised to learn that sharing family stories and family history can promote and enhance the self-esteem and academic skills of your children and grandchildren.

At least that's what some new research indicates. The research is detailed in a recent Wall Street Journal Online article. Click here to read this intriguing story.