Saturday, June 11, 2005

What a week!

Sorry I haven't written in a few days. It's been a very busy and exciting week!

I started editing another Family Legacy Video this week. After all the prep work - the interview, collecting and creating visuals and selecting music - it's time for the "rubber to meet the road." Editing video is a very intense and enjoyable creative experience for me and it's pure joy to see my client's story coming together so well. I just know she and her family will treasure the video. After it's done I'll post a clip on the Family Legacy Video Web site:

Also, I found out that a local columnist is writing a story about the Olympic track footage I obtained for a Family Legacy Video client (see the post from May 12, 2005). The story should be out in about two weeks. I'll let you know when it happens.

Now, back to video editing!

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